Caucasian spinach

Short version:

Mild tasting, spinach like, shoots and leaves that climb well, grow in shade, are perennial and can be grown from seed.

I can’t believe this vegetable, officially called Hablitzia tamnoides, exists. It seems to go against everything gardeners think of when they compare required effort and sun with the ability to produce food.

There is so much to love:


This is a perennial, so it will grow back year after year once it is established. Over a cold winter it will look like it has disappeared forever, never to return, but this is a hardy plant. The shoots will make a reappearance in late winter / early spring. This means that once established it makes a great filler of the hungry gap. The shoots can be harvested a couple of times before you leave it to grow in the spring.

Cold and shade

It prefers shade. It can tolerate half a day of sun. This feels rather unnatural, as we often talk about edibles needing a MINIMUM amount of sun. Pretty much every garden, especially those in the city with its large buildings, have some areas of deep shade. When you have a small garden this just feels like a waste. It’s not where you want to put your garden furniture as it’s not fun sitting OUT OF the sun. Almost nothing thrives. It’s a good place for a compost patch or a wormery but my the deepest shade is right next to my back door. The compost bin would live there if I was willing to share my kitchen with the clouds of fruit flies that have taken up residence in the compost. I have a constant urge to grow food in every available space and this and the hostas are my shade loving perennial saviours.

So we have 3 plants. One is in the deepest darkest shadiest part of the garden where it grows well with the hostas and wild garlic. One is under a fig tree. This was an error on my part that worked out OK. I didn’t realise how quickly and how large the fig tree would grow, but the Caucasian spinach does well scrambling up the branches in the shade.

Easily grown from seed

The seeds need a period of cold (stratification) before they’ll sprout. This sounds complicated, but all you need to do is sow BEFORE winter in a pot and just leave it outside to do its thing. If you sow in a pot, you can be sure of what you are growing before you place it in situ. I think bindweed can look a little similar.

Though bindweed has rather attractive flowers, I would advise you to eradicate it as soon as you see it. Once it takes hold it can be impossible to get rid of. It is also not edible.

The beauty of growing from seeds means that it’s easy to transport, save for another year and give to friends.


As I said, with the small garden, there is an urge to be able to use up every little bit of space. So, not only can you eat the early shoots, you can eat the leaves as it turns into a vine. If given something to climb, it will happily scramble up without any need to maintain or tie up. This is where climbers or tall plants are the most efficient. With the Caucasian spinach you get excellent production food per square foot of earth.

By early June there wass a twining messy clump of heart shaped leaves. Here it is has reached around 1.5m but could reportedly grow to twice that if given something that tall to climb. It got to the top of the frame at 2m this year.

Taste and texture

So after all it’s ease of growing it wouldn’t be worth it if it tasted rubbish. Caucasian spinach tastes wonderfully inoffensive. It is a green you can use lots of. It’s not sour like sorrel. It’s not bitter like many perennial greens. It’s just basically milder tasting than spinach even, and has the advantage that it doesn’t make your teeth feel furry the way that actual spinach does.

The young leaves feel thinner and not as succulent as spinach can be though.

The leaves can be used wherever spinach is used. They boil fine, fry fine, can be used to bulk out the vegetables in sauces and can be eaten raw in salads.


It prefers alkaline or neutral soil which is perfect for my garden. This may not be a bonus if you have a garden full of acidic soil. However, there are some things that actually REQUIRE acidic soil like blueberries, raspberries, kiwis and plenty of things that won’t mind acidic soil. Alternatively you can add lime to the soil, but that is something I would be far too lazy to do. An easier option would be to grow in a pot that you keep under alkaline conditions (though this may still involve adding lime).

So my third plant is in a very large pot full of compost. It’s large enough to accommodate the roots and I keep it well watered enough so it doesn’t dry out. It is doing terribly. I suspect it is a combination of the acidic compost (I did a soil test of the compost I use) and because it gets better sun than the other two plants.

I suspect soil pH is quite an important factor, but I’d have to wait till next year when I’ll move the potted one into more shade in order to draw a full conclusion.


It seems to be fairly resistant to the usual suspects in my garden.

So far the Caucasian spinach has survived the pigeons, the caterpillars, the aphids, the shield bugs. My biggest problem in the garden tends to be powdery mildew – especially with the brassicas. So any leafy green that is not susceptible to powdery mildew gets bonus points.

The only problem that I’ve had with Caucasian spinach is leaf miners. The little grubs live safely nestled between the layers of the leaf. If you were to look at the leaf from both sides you’d not be able to see the grub. Traditional pesticides wouldn’t help you here. Luckily I don’t use pesticides so it’s not something that has vexed me. Regular harvesting means that I’m often scrutinising the leaves. This means that as I see any leaves with signs of leaf miner I just pull the leaves off and bin them in food recycling. This removes the pest from the local environment so they can’t spread.

There are many things to love about this plant. I’ve only been growing it a couple of years so I’m interested to see how it’ll get on in the future and how long it will continue to survive happily without my intervention. I basically want more food with no more effort.

Me? Lazy? Totally!

14 thoughts on “Caucasian spinach

    1. Hi Bruce, I’m afraid I don’t know much about purchasing seeds for Canada. This company does send worldwide , but sadly they’re out of stock at the moment. If you google Caucasian spinach or hablitzia tamnoides there seem to be quite a few people on eBay selling them. Of course I wouldn’t be able to tell you if they were reputable sellers. Hope you find a seller because this is a great vegetable that has stoically returned every year since planting in our shady spot that won’t grow much else.


  1. Thank you for the info! I received a small Hablitzia from a friend several years back and planted it in the shade under a dogwood and paw paws, among hostas and Solomon’s seal. Given it’s companions, and the fact that it is mulched with wood chips, my assumption was that the soil must be at least slightly acidic. Still, it is thriving, so I wonder… A plant that loves shade this much is bound to have evolved in forests, which are more likely to be acidic. Maybe this plant tolerates a wider range of PH than generally advertised? Or perhaps my soil is just not as acid as I thought. Anyhow, it is worth experimenting with other soils if you have a shady spot with acid soil.


    1. No Karl… thank YOU for the info. I was talking to someone else recently who said that they thought that it required acidic soil too. I could be completely wrong about the alkaline and neutral soil. My information comes from a couple of books and the place I bought my seeds. I can’t say that I’ve done extensive tests on growing it. I love hearing about other people’s experience. It’s a wonderful way to learn. So… your soil may be as acidic as you think it is and hablitzia maybe just be really tolerant. Your theory on its evolution sounds like a good one. It may also be possible that there are a few varieties and maybe each one has slightly different tolerances for soil if we’ve read different things. I’m afraid I don’t actually know what happened to the one in the pot. I gave it away to someone and no idea if its fate.


  2. Just a thought – your potted plant looks rather as though it has lime-induced chlorosis, ie it is failing to pick up nutrients because the soil is too limey…….. as you say the seedlings NOT in soil with extra lime did fine, this would indicate that in fact the plants do prefer acid conditions.
    (Loud cheers from over here as I garden on acid sand!!)


    1. Hi Deborah

      Sorry to say – the pot that wasn’t doing well was acidic compost. The plants doing well were/are the ones in the limey chalk…. BUT… that’s just my experience. Please don’t let that deter you from trying a few seedlings in your acid sand. As Karl (above) said – he read that it preferred acidic soil. It may have just been THAT compost wasn’t great anyway. Fingers crossed you’ll get great results in your soil because this is a plant to love! Loud cheer anyway because blueberries would do great at yours?


      1. Hi, I thought it was a bit unlikely you would have missed that! But the poor little thing was obviously suffering severe deprivation of…. something!
        My real problems are not just acid sand but no shade & precious little moisture.
        And voracious wildlife which rules out all soft fruit unless I build Fort Knox. Still, I enjoy growing what I can.


      2. Heya, yup it wasn’t a happy little thing. There is a lot of trial and error in our garden. Some things don’t survive and then some vigorous, but poor tasting monsters get removed.

        Would yearly mixing in of horse manure lead to better water retention with increased humus? Or lasagna composting if you don’t have much in yet? Voracious wildlife is super tough though. Could something more unusual like hardy kiwis (small and green), yellow raspberries or pink blueberries help? We find that the harder it is for creatures to recognise something as fruit they more they’re left alone. Things like our cherry tree or strawberries are completely ransacked every year. Maybe planting with strong smells like mint, rue, lavender, rosemary, chives or perennial onion would help mask the smell?


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