Things for Kids

So one of the reasons I’ve put so much effort into the garden is so that my little one has something that she can enjoy and really love spending time in. She’s learning about what plants she can eat and will hopefully grow up with a good understand and respect for food. She’s more receptive to vegetables that she’s seen growing than things we buy in the shops. She has also developed a taste for grazing. Er no… not on the grass – but on the leaves that she now knows are edible. The dill just doesn’t stand a chance! It gets mown down by her as soon as it’s about 2 inches tall, but that’s a hit I’m willing to take. Any chance to get fibre into her is definitely a good thing. She also loves eating borage flowers, peppermint and winter purslane as much as she loves stealing raspberries before they’re ripe.

I’ll be adding things that you can make with little ones like pebble plant markers or bug hotels, or even a fairy garden out of a broken pot. For any concerned parents out there… yes… sanding down the edges is a must!

It looks nothing like this anymore. The plants have completely taken over after a year