Speedy / Easy food

So, these are difficult times indeed and I hope that you stay safe and sane for the duration of lock down. Something that keeps coming up in conversation is food security. Whilst it is very difficult to live ‘The Good Life’, and my (what I think of as) productive garden certainly wouldn’t feed the family through the year, I think being able to grow something to provide a few meals can help the mind as well as provide healthy vitamins and nutrients where the supply chain is disrupted.

Luckily in the Northern hemisphere we are entering spring so it’s the perfect time to start growing. There’s still time this year to start things that require a long season like onions (bulbs not spring onions), squashes, aubergines or tomatoes. You won’t be eating those anytime soon but there are a few things that can be grown quickly. That is quick – for a patient adult … not quick in my 4 year old’s immediate gratification timescales.

To this section I’ll add things that grow quickly like radishes, salad leaves and pea shoots or things you can grow from groceries e.g. sweet potato leaves from sweet potatoes or bean sprouts from mung beans. Incidentally beans sprout and pea shoots fulfil both criteria as they are grown from shop bought dried green mung beans or peas and take a week (or two for pea shoots) to provide a crop.